Another 365 days have passed and today is the last day of the year
2010. Unlike others, celebrating with friends at parties, chilling in clubs and shout for the last 10 seconds count down, I spent my last day at home without a single step across the door. Instead, I did some
reading and I started to
recall what did I achieve this year. Did I squander the precious 365 days or I utilized the time
Let's find out what have I done this year
If you know me really well, you will know my passion in music and how much I love it. A total of 1 year and 9months practice comes to the end in March. ( or April? ) My grade 5 practical exam at City Bay View hotel.
Woot ? A 21-year-old guy taking grade 5 exam !? What a shame ?
Uh ? I don't think so. I am proud of myself, gaining a grade 5 ABRSM cert is not a huge achievement to many, but it's my very own recognition and consolation in music. I stopped learning the piano after the exam but my passion to music never fades, it grows with me.
You think you are too old for anything? Come'on, music doesn't
discriminateThe kids from the music centre
Hahah, the old me !
Thank you Mr.Eric who unselfishly putting effort in me.
Diploma Graduation ( TARc )
Three year time is a "not-long-not-short" journey in life. I once regretted so much that I did badly in my SPM and also didn't proceed to ACCA course directly which is shorter in studies period. Regret no more, I would rather say I appreciate the experience more compared to the academy.
- College environment in TARc is something you can never be found in ACCA tuition provider
- My foster family who "adopted" me during my Community Service activity
- The people, the clique, the foes and the clown
It's simply an
unforgettable memory in my life.
Even my grandma attended my graduation ! ^^
My foster family. I hope to visit them again soon
Our last gathering at Hardwicke.
Lone traveler in Singapore
I had my first time traveling alone to Singapore. It's quite adventurous to me as I had totally no idea where shall I go, what I must do during the custom and I am not familiar with Singapore at all. Information from the Internet helped me a lot and the journey is amazing. It's not the place that attracted me the most, it's the people along the journey opened my eyes.
Traveling is a learning process, you never know what will happen next and you always learn and grow. That's why I love traveling :)
Meeting Pear in Bugis
Four attempts of Interview.Introduced and influenced by my
sister, I open my heart to the job,
steward. I realized how well the job fit me perfectly. I had four attempts before I finally made it to the final round.
1) I went for Qatar interview in KL with Elwin, Ginger and my sister. Elwin and I struggled for few weeks, couldn't sleep properly because we put in a lot of hopes and effort. - FAIL !!
2) Emirate interview in Singapore. Damn the what Atlantic agency from Singapore ! They told me they were taking in male candidates but no single male get chosen. Wasted my time, money and effort for it. Some worse, they actually took flight from Philippine to Singapore just to attend the interview. However, it's a great experience for me as I met a lot of friends from Singapore, Philippine, Thailand and Korea who share the same dream with me. - FAIL !!
3) SIA interview in Singapore with Elwin. Thanks to my braces. - FAIL !!
4) SIA interview in Ipoh. Taadaa. Thank you very much to everyone who were there for me in Kampar. - PASS !!
Why I choose to be a steward? Simply because of money? Let's see
- Travelling, do I need to explain more ? x)
- Eye opener that helps me to spot business opportunity easier next time
- Good pay, unfair advantage for my entrepreneurship ( Yeah, Wijoyo ! Hehe )
- Improve my interpersonal skill
- Expand of people networking
- Opportunity to explore the world
- I can feed my family faster !
Thank you everyone who support me during my attempts for the jobs. Especially my family, they support me
spiritually and
financially :)
The friends who supported me during my Ipoh interview. So much appreciated !!
Met April and Cindy during Emirate interview. There are many more :D
SIA interview with Elwin, Chiu Chern and Ying Ming
We had fun after the interview. It was an interesting trip. ^^
Fantastic scene from Marina Bay Sands, F1 circuit race live. Thank you In JungPenang Bridge MarathonI have finished the run as it was one of my targets of the year. My friends didn't make it for the run so I went there alone at 2a.m. in the morning. Finished the run within 2 hours and 55 minutes. It rained heavily in the middle of the run.
It wasn't simply a run, I
comprehend some meaning of life in the run. I am really satisfied with it although I was exhausted and alone. Some old photos here =D
Chung Kiang and I completed the race in 2009
Banana smile. Pray hard that I'll be able to join it again in 2011
Hoo Hoo ! ACCA makes us headache. Not a great achievement, I'm just feeling happy that I have finished my F6, F7 and F8. I hope I don't fail any paper, result will be announced in February.
What do I do after the stressful months? Party Slacking Party Slacking !!
Soo Yeang's birthday at the ship
Mansion 69 after dinner
Wijoyo Lee ! I will marry him if we both are gay. hahaha
Wan Ting's last day in Penang. Old friend from Han Chiang.
Catching up Theng and Ah Beng at Nandos
There were still untold stories happened this year but I won't able to jot down everything. At last I know, life is interesting and you'll never be bored with it. It's so wonderful so, don't squander your precious time, be adventurous, live your life the way you want and pursue your dream !
An old picture saying
Mixture of everything, my life :)
Happy new year 2011 !